
Welcome to an overview of the Back from the Dead Cemetery Walk, an evangelization drama to teach the faith in the cemetery.


We invite you to have a look around the website. If you are interested in the Scripts, Planning and Production information, we offer a Lifetime Subscription for a minimal donation.  Subscribers will have access to additional sections of the website with all of the materials.


St. Gianna Molla Video

Here is a sample of the St. Gianna Molla video:

The video is the full length script of St. Gianna Molla as portrayed by VERONICA MESSIER.



Most Rev. Archbishop William Lori, Archbishiop of Baltimore, has given his Imprimatur for the Back From the Dead Cemetery Walk material.  Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs, Rector of Mount St. Mary's Seminary has given his nihil obstat for the material.