Dedication and Thanksgiving


Dedicated to the Blessed Mother
whose presence and prayers have been an abundant source of blessing in my life.


Special dedication to Fr. Darin Didier, one of our first participants
while a seminarian at Mount St. Mary's Seminary.
May he rest in peace and be a holy intercessor for the Kingdom.


In thanksgiving
to those who have contributed directly or indirectly to the creation of the
Back from the Dead Cemetery Walk especially through their prayers,
dedicated time and encouragement.


Special thanks to Dawn Walsh, Laurie Henderson – my sister, and Theresa Greene for their insights and work in helping refine the scripts. Many thanks to Doug Jackson for his countless hours in recording and editing audio versions of the walk, an audio and video trailer and his overall expertise, support and friendship, without which, the Cemetery Walk could never have grown to what it is today.


Thanks to Fr. Peter Ryan, SJ, who was a consultant for theological content of the Cemetery Walk.


Thank you to the many who helped make the Cemetery Walks happen over the years with their logistical support including: Betty Belk, Donna Brown, Theresa Richardson, Sr. Liz Sjoberg and all the many actors that includes seminarians, members of the parishes of St. John Catholic Church, St. Jane Frances Catholic Church and Mount St. Mary's University and Seminary.


Special Thanks to Rebecca Corbell from the Seton Shrine in Emmitsburg, MD for the creative input and countless hours in editing scripts. Her support at the Seton Shrine over the years has been invaluable.