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All donations go to Kolbe and Clare Productions, an evangelization ministry. A portion is given to charity, a portion to support the website, materials and responses to inquiries about this apostolate, and a portion is for helping cover costs from past and future productions of Kolbe and Clare Productions.
- Instructions for hosting a Back from the Dead Cemetery Walk
- Back from the Dead Cemetery Walk scripts (currently 18 scripts to choose from)
- Use of the video trailer
- Use of available audio recordings for actors
- Back from the Dead Cemetery Walk programs and small group discussion questions
Once you become a subscriber, your log in to the "Back From the Dead" Website will allow access to the Subscriber Sections for all the detailed materials for planning and hosting a Cemetery Walk. As new scripts and materials are developed, you will have immediate access to them through BFTD Lifetime Subscription status. File downloads will be enabled for subscribers.
There is a one-time donation of $75 to Kolbe and Clare Productions (payable through Doug Jackson Productions). The donation is not tax deductible.
The donation for the scripts helps cover some of our production costs, on-going ministry and a portion goes to charity.
Please do not charge 'admission' for the Cemetery Walk without first consulting with Fr. Brian. Asking for donations is acceptable.
No part of the 'Back from the Dead Cemetery Walk' may be changed or added to without permission from Fr. Brian Nolan to maintain the continuity of the program and to ensure that any additions are faithful to Catholic doctrine. If someone wanted to add any scripts or characters using the name 'Back from the Dead Cemetery Walk', you must have permission or approval at least three weeks prior to the event for the integrity of the program. Requests should be sent to: or through the 'Contact Us' form on the website.
Over the years, careful consideration has been given to be faithful to Catholic doctrine. Evaluation of changes are a requirement and a necessity.
If you are using the materials provided by us, the 'Back From the Dead Cemetery Walk', your title for your presentation should be 'Back From the Dead Cemetery Walk'.
Yes, in a sense.
We think the website should be useful for all members of a team preparing a "Back From the Dead" Cemetery walk. So, if you are an organizer and subscribe to the website, have your team members create accounts (or create them yourself for your users by using their email addresses*) at the BFTD website. Then let us know the username and/or email addresses and we will enable Subscriber status for your team. Then when your team members log in, they will have access to the scripts and notes so that they can study for your presentation.
*They will receive an email requiring them to activate their account. If you use this method, you should encourage them to change their account password the first time they log in.
The Login and Register buttons on the top right of the website require your browser to 'pop-up' a window. If your configuration is set to block all 'pop-ups' you might not see the resulting window. You can either try disabling the 'pop-up' blocker, adding an exception, trying a different browser, or you can use the following direct links: